How The Suppressor Shield works
The MODTAC Suppressor Shields work by utilizing a combination of existing, but not commonly used materials on the market as well as the proper design.
All MODTAC Suppressor Shields are designed to create about a 1/4″ air-gap that surrounds the suppressor. This air gap works as a great insulator, and limits the heat transfer out to the surface of the Suppressor Shield. This air gap also allows air to naturally flow around the suppressor, so it cools down much faster than when wrapped with some sort of insulating fabric suppressor cover.
Internal and third party testing has shown a consistent 50%-60% reduction in temperature of our shield compared to the surface of the suppressor during high rates of fire, with some tests showing over 80% reduction in temperature, especially at lower round counts. All of our free-floating Suppressor Shields, (U-RAC and M-RAC) have been tested with up to 1200 degree suppressors, showing no degradation to the product, or suppressor.

M-RAC Suppressor Shield Temperature Testing
Temperature testing was conducted independently by SFARTAEC Instructors at Ft. Bragg, NC.
Equipment: US Army M4 / URGI (11.5″) 5.56mm NATO, Geissele Rail, Surefire SOCOM Suppressor, MODTAC M-RAC Suppressor Shield 2.0
Course of Fire was 10 rounds per minute for 9 minutes (3 mags) totaling 90 rounds, followed by monitoring of temperatures during cool down cycle.

U-RAC Suppressor Shield testing on .308 SASS (Semi-Automatic Sniper System)
Temperature testing was conducted at the MODTAC Facility and then replicated at FT Benning GA with DOD Civilians.
Equipment: 18″ Gas-operated 7.62 NATO (M118 LR), HuxWrx Safety Co. (OSS) HX-QD-762 Suppressor.
Course of Fire was 5 rounds for minutes 1 and 2, then 2 rounds per minute until 40 rounds and 15 minutes had lapsed.
The free floating MODTAC Suppressor Shields (U-RAC & M-RAC) perform extremely well, especially at moderate round counts. As seen in the above graph, the shield only warmed 48 degrees after 40 rounds of 7.62mm over 15 minutes. The rise in temperature (Delta T) at the end of this course of fire shows a 81% reduction in temperature (suppressor vs. Suppressor Shield).
What does this mean?
The materials and design of the MODTAC Suppressor Shields provide a solidly mounted, rigid shield that eliminates mirage, reduces the chance of incidental contact burns on personnel and equipment, as well as allows the suppressor to cool naturally, prolonging the life of your suppressor and your gear.